About Me

May be a closeup of 1 person and flower

Hello, Teacher Aloha here again!

Let's get to know each other. Here are a few things about me:
Name: Aloha Mae Openiano-Flores
Age: 28yrs old
Birthdate: 25th July
Pets: four cats, three dogs and a number of lovebirds
Favorite Pastime: Reading novels of all genre, journal writing
Expectations for the class:
An equal mix of learning and fun! I know studying can become tedious at times, but with some magic, it can be so much fun too. It  also helps that our subject does not involve much math wink. That's a big bonus for us! 
I'm also actively promoting communication in class. With open arms, I welcome it. I wish we'll all compete for the spotlight, taking turns taking the lead. I wish to hear your stand, your opinion and whatever wayward thought that crosses your ever-brilliant mind.
You might say, "I can't, I'm an introvert." No worries, I am one too! I'm a big introvert. But if you'll let me, I can show you some tricks on how to stay comfortably introverted, and learn to be heard at the same time.
Or, "I can't talk well in English."  Who says you have to? English, Tagalog, Bisaya. If you wish to use our class to improve your English communication skills, sure, that's great! But more than that, I hold greater interest in knowing what's on your mind. So use whatever language you're comfortable with. As long as you speak, you'll be heard in class. 
Then there's, "Teacher Aloha, why do we have to communicate in class?" First, it's because I want us to learn from you too! Long gone was the one-way learning from teacher to students. At this day and age, we learn from each other. I wish our classes to be a learning opportunity for me too. I want to pick up new things from you! Second, is for those who have not learned to be heard yet, to earn a voice. Not everyone knows how to be heard from the get go. Some wishes to share, but does not know how, does not have the courage to speak out, or does not have the opportunity to do so. Let's try and improve that in class. Let's learn to speak, let's give each other the courage to do so, and use the class as an opportunity to be heard. 
So let's communicate. Let's speak and be heard - as we learn together.
Was that too much of a read? But I hope it successfully relayed my intentions for the class! 
Oh, another thing. I hope you get your About You ready too. Because I'm looking forward to hearing about yourselves as well on Monday. See you then! heart